Join us at for a 30 min playtest Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 8pm UTC, 3pm Central US, 4pm East US, 9pm UK
IMPORTANT – Controls Change
- Speed controls + and – added for velocity changes
- Mouse flight by default, rather than by dragging – “Return/Enter” key switches mouse mode
- Mouse flight: Left click or space to fire
- Mouse flight: AWSD/Cursor keys strafe your ship up/down+left/right
- Strafing is an energy transfer from your forward momentum, zero speed = zero strafing
- Strafing transfers 1/4 of your forward velocity to a lateral direction
- Turn speed is a function of your engine output – starting at quarter speed at zero velocity
- Mouse dead zone inside target reticle
- Max turn speed achieved by moving halfway off center, rather than full screen.
- Moving mouse to edges of screen will also center ship (as well as in center); so you don’t go into a unsettling spin when mousing out of the browser window.
Other changes
- Guns cycle x3 faster, but each plasma bolt does 1/3 damage
- Server message round trip time displayed rather than latency (one way previously)
- Faster end of match forwarding (still will take a few seconds though)
- Roll speed doubled
- Speed transitions between levels rather than instantly changing – no instant stops
- Indicator bar on speed dial for your target velocity
- Double turn speed (mouse+keyboard) has been removed
- Uniform maximum rotation – previously if you maxed pitch and yaw the additive rotation would be much higher than your max total rotation speed, now if you are rotating up/down, left/right or a comibation the max rotation speed is the same. Equally this applies to strafing the total displacement from a combined strafe, is the same as a single direction strafe
- Stuck turn keys should now be resolved
- Name – undefined – has been resolved during match
Obviously these are trial settings and we value your feedback on how these changes work out. Next post linking some of the feedback considered.
Discuss this release in our forums: Age of Ascent – Prealpha test June 14, 2014
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